Measurementality: Authentic Accountability for Successful AI with Yoav Schlesinger

In this 6th episode of Measurementality we'll be "identifying what counts in the algorithmic age" by analyzing how we can build more authentic systems of accountability for creating AI with Yoav Schlesinger.

Yoav Schlesinger is the Principal of Ethical AI Practice for Salesforce.

You can follow Yoav on Twitter @yschlesinger

Throughout this series, we ask our guests on the show a series of three questions to explore “what counts in the algorithmic age”:

  1. How is success measured today in AIS?

  2. What is the positive future you’re working to build with AIS?

  3. What are the measures of success for that positive future?

Do you have thoughts about these questions? Submit your own responses on the IEEE SA website to be considered for one of our Measurementality reports!

Relevant Resources

AI Ethics at Salesforce

Introduction to “AI for Social Good”

Assembling Accountability: Algorithmic Impact Assessment for the Public Interest

Algorithmic Accountability: A Primer

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This is a 10-episode series sponsored by and in collaboration with IEEE SA. For more information on the series, read our Measurementality page.

To submit your answers to these 3 questions, read our submission guidelines and submit your thoughts on the IEEE SA website.

If you like this show, follow us on Spotify, subscribe on iTunes, or leave us a review!


Measurementality: Why AI Registries are Critical for Metrics of Accountability


Measurementality: Intergenerational Collaboration with Sinead Bovell